
Learn and Experience

The purpose of this page is to help you, as a Christian, Learn about the current mission field, what God is doing and where the greatest needs lie and Experience the lighting of “a spark for world missions that will grow into a fire for the unsaved like you’ve never had before...(that) God’s love for unreached people (will) burn so strongly inside you that it will start spreading to others, specifically to your own children and to the young people you come in contact with.” Ann Dunagan

The best way to have a heart that is eager for the glorification of God in the world and broken for the lost is to learn about God and about those who do not know Him. I have found that as I learn, I experience more and more, a love for God and a love for others. My desire to share the good news of Jesus with the world increases and begins to be something I think about and agonize about daily. It's the reason this blog exists. I so want you, as my brother or sister in Christ, to share the same passion that I have. And I want to try to make it easier for you to know where to go and what resources are out there. I know that I like to have a roadmap, a curriculum, a plan. That is what this website, and especially this page, is all about...a plan. 

I have listed below some great resources to begin with. These books will get you excited and motivated to pray and act. I have read and been impacted by each one! 
Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper -- this one is a free download for your computer at
2020 Vision by Bill and Amy Stearns -- of the best I've read!
Let the Nations be Glad by John Piper -- very good, anything by him is, but not light depth 
the Church is Bigger Than You Think by Patrick Johnstone -- fast reading, interesting, memorable
The Mission Minded Child by Ann Dunagan -- I'm still working on this one...excellent, great resources for you and your children
- 40 Day mission challenge by Ann Dunagan (video)  this is a short, daily video to motivate you about missions while you learn neat things to share with your children 
Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yohannan -- excellent! and free from Gospel for Asia
- Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand -- very impacting, will grow your love and concern for the persecuted church in the world, free from Voice of the Martyrs
- You Will Be Eaten by Cannibals! Lessons from the Life of John G. Paton - short read and excellent!   really good resource to learn about the world and what is going on with the Church
- Eternity in Their Hearts by Don Richardson - eye-opening insight into the witness God has left for Himself in various cultures 
- Peace Child by Don Richardson - focuses on the salvation of a cannibalistic, head-hunting tribe in Papua New Guinea...God's power over darkness is amazing!