
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The most popular film of all time

What is the most-watched movie in all of history? Would you guess The Godfather, Gone with the Wind, E.T.? None of those. In fact, because of this film, every four seconds, somewhere in the world, another person indicates a decision to follow Christ. What is it -- the "JESUS" film.

Think of the impact of this film...every four seconds someone accepts Jesus because they have watched it... that's 21,000 people per day, 630,000 per month and more than 7.5 million per year! That's like the population of the entire city of Seattle, WA, coming to Christ every 27.5 days. And yet, if you are like most people, you may have never even heard of it.

Called by some "one of the best-kept secrets in Christian missions," a number of mission experts have acclaimed the film as one of the greatest evangelistic tools of all time. Since 1979 the "JESUS" film has been viewed by several billion people all across the globe, and has resulted in more than 225 million men, women and children indicating decisions to follow Jesus.

A video on their website does a good job of visualizing this impact. Jesus film

"But how can any single film reach so many people and touch so many lives?"
It is the power of the Word of God in their heart language.
Based on the Gospel of Luke, the "JESUS" film has now been translated into more than 1,000 languages, with a new language being added nearly every week. This brings God's Word to people in more than 200 countries in languages they know and understand. By God's grace, it is yielding a spiritual harvest of unprecedented results.
Not only is the story of the "JESUS" film one of effective evangelism, but also of a powerful tool for expanding the church worldwide. In fact, according to Dr. Stephen Steele, former CEO of DAWN Ministries (c. 2001):
"Three quarters of all churches planted in the last decade around the world used the 'JESUS' film as part of the church planting process."

God is using this film in powerful ways to reach people and build spiritual movements worldwide. I'd like to share just a couple of the many stories of the impact of the Jesus film.
Two brothers in a South Asian country were Hindu priests. While on a visit to the city, one of the brothers heard the gospel message. Later, when a "JESUS" film team came to their village, both brothers watched the film. One of them began to question the team about the life of Christ, but the other seemed uninterested and wanted to leave. Once home, they talked long into the night, discussing what they had heard. They came to the conclusion that their faith led to a dead-end road, and salvation came only through Christ. The next day the men returned to the film team, wanting to accept Jesus Christ as Savior! Today they faithfully attend church, learning more about Jesus.
In a small, South Asian village, Pema*—a teenager—displayed signs of demon possession for nine months. "JESUS" film team member Joseph, his wife, and two other Campus Crusade for Christ staff members came to Pema's home and prayed for her for seven days. Each day they saw increasing improvement. On the seventh day she arose, then prepared and served tea to her parents and the others. Her family was amazed! When they saw Pema's deliverance through the prayers of Christians, they said: "... the god we serve is really not God. They are devil. So we want to get away ...." Immediately, they piled together all the statues of their gods, poured gasoline on them, and burned them. Pema and all seven members of her family chose to follow Christ. Others in their village saw the change in Pema and heard of her deliverance. Joseph showed the "JESUS" film in the village, and many more received Christ as Savior. Eventually everyone in the entire village became Christians and formed a church—25 families (65 people). Joseph continues to teach them and recently baptized 32 adults in that village. Praise God!

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