
Monday, August 16, 2010

Dreams of the Muslims

For decades, a phenomenon has been recurring in the Muslim world. Men and women – without any knowledge of the Gospel and without any contact with Christians – have been forever transformed after experiencing dreams and visions of Jesus Christ. Reports of these supernatural occurrences often come from “closed countries” where preaching the Gospel is forbidden and where converting to Christianity can invoke the death sentence. A common denominator appears to be that the dreams come to those who are seeking to know and please God.

Ramadan is the time of year when Muslims are earnestly seeking to know Allah. Unfortunately, Allah is not a god to be known. Unlike the Lord God who makes His way known through His Word and most lovingly through the personhood of Jesus Christ ("He is the image of the invisible God" Colossians 1:15), Allah is a distant god.

"The first of the Ten Commandments is that we are to love the God of the Bible with our whole heart; but never does the Koran say a Muslim is to love Allah.  You cannot love Allah, because he is unknowable.  The God of the Bible can be known and repeatedly calls upon men to know Him; but the Koran says no one can know Allah because he is too great.  

In spite of being infinite, without beginning and end, and the Creator of the universe, the biblical God reveals himself so that men can know Him.  Jesus himself said, "This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent" (John 17:3).  No one knows Allah," (taken from

This same idea, that God is love while Allah is not known for his love, was expressed in an email from a friend who is a Christian pastor in Iraq: "however the attributes of our God is totally different than Allah in Islam. Allah in Islam has 99 names and it is missing the one we have which is "God is Love".

The Bible says, in Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17
"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will 
prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."

Amazingly, this is what is happening in the Arab world! All you need to do is type in "God appearing to Muslims in visions and dreams" to find a number of internet resources concerning this. One site, Isa al Masih, talks about this at great length. I'd like to close this entry by sharing some of the various dreams with you. 

Please pray that during this time of Ramadan, when Muslims are earnestly seeking a God they can know, that they will not continue their faith in Allah but will find faith in the One, True God who can be known through Jesus Christ (Isa)! 

God is Great! Just as He did in the past, God is showing His mercy and guidance to Muslims throughout the world today! Read the following story portions from Muslims worldwide who have reported such dreams and now follow Isa al Masih as their Savior:

"...two angels dressed in white robes stood on top of the mountain. Jesus was standing between the angels. He left the angels and came to where I stood watching. As he approached me, I knelt down and he laid his hands on my head..." 

"...['D.'] dreamt he was sitting with his arms tied to a chair. Then he saw a man he recognized as Jesus coming. Jesus touched the ropes and they fell from his arms..."

"...In the dream, Jesus told me to come to Him and read the Bible and He would show me the way, truth and the life..." 

"...I was standing in a cross shape with a low wall around it. In my right hand, I had a big stack of white unwritten papers. I was standing at the cross beam, and I was looking to a small group of people who were standing at the top. They all wore long white clothing, but one of them was different. He was standing at the right side, and with his left hand he was leading the people through a door in the wall. Beyond the door was light, and I could not see what was in there. One moment I was standing in the dream, and the next moment I was seeing the cross from above..."

"...I saw some Christians standing in line to get into Heaven. I tried to get into this line also, but a very tall being blocked my path and I started to cry because the side I was on was really horrible but the side they were on was a beautiful place, so beautiful, so blue..." 

"...I went back to bed after a short prayer and saw a second dream. This time it was Jesus as I saw him in the Jesus film years ago and I had trashed his video. He was hanging on the cross, the nails were in his hands and feet, yet he was smiling at me and talking to me. Though he was dying he seemed so beautiful. The cross was huge and I seemed like a little boy. My neck was falling back trying to see the whole face of Jesus and suddenly a huge big circle of light came from above the cross and down upon me..." 

"...I was swimming. It was very dark, without any stars in the sky. After swimming for a while, I stopped and looked up at the sky. Suddenly, I saw a star shining. I closed my eyes and made a wish. I said, 'Morning Star, teach me the secret of life'...I kept having this dream for years almost every other month and this pattern continued until a few months after my conversion, when I read Rev. 22:16, which says, 'I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star'..." 

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