
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

North Koreans need our prayers

He changes times and seasons; 
he sets up kings and deposes them. 
He gives wisdom to the wise 
and knowledge to the discerning.
Daniel 2:21

I continue to be burdened for the people of North Korea. Their life is one of starvation, fear, intimidation and loss. They are the most persecuted nation on earth, where cannibalism is common.

Yet even in this modern-day hell on earth, God's Spirit is moving and bringing people to Jesus against incredible odds. 

We need to pray, daily, for North Korea! Allow God to burden your heart for them. 

Emergency Prayer Alert - NORTH KOREA
PRAY for North Korean Transfer of Power

North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Il recently announced that his son, Kim Jong-un will succeed him. As the transfer of power approaches, the North Korean regime is working to build a new personality cult around Jong-un.
North Korean FlagAt the age of 69, with reportedly failing health (including rumors of a stroke), North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il has chosen a successor to carry on his regime - his son, Kim Jong-un. 

Jong-Il is revered by some in North Korea as a god and is referred to as Supreme Leader, Dear Leader, Father, and the General. He took power from his father, Kim Il-sung, who also had a personality cult centered around him and was worshiped and feared. Jong-Il currently commands the fourth largest standing army in the world.

Jong-Il's third son, Kim Jong-un is a four-star general in the Korean People's Army. He is believed to be 27 years old (his date of birth is unknown) and speaks four languages. He will become the leader of North Korea when his father steps down from power. 

As one of Kim Jong-Il's personal staff noted, "If power is to be handed over then Jong-un is the best for it. He has superb gifts, is a big drinker and never admits defeat."

Kim Jong-Il's oldest son has a different opinion. He stated in October 2010 that when power is transferred to his younger brother, the regime will crumble. "North Korea will collapse soon. How long can this regime last?"

Some analysts are also concerned about the transfer of power. They foresee a struggle and a possible leadership crisis. If Kim Jong-un does manage to take control, they say, he will need to make serious reforms in order to maintain control.

North Korea is number 1 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2010 of the world's worst persecutors of Christians. WIN partners pray for North Korea on Day 27 of the Window International Network Praying Through The Window 9: Global Terrorism and World Religions prayer calendar.
  • the Lord to raise up the leader of His choice to guide North Korea out from Communism. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)
  • the man or woman who takes power to be compassionate and sensitive to the needs of the people. Pray for an end to the vicious tyranny and abuse that has characterized the regime since 1948. (The Bible, Psalm 103:2-5)
  • the Lord to relieve the people of North Korea from hunger, poverty, and political and spiritual oppression. (The Bible, Psalm 18:2)
  • the hearts of all leaders in this dark nation to be softened by the work of the Holy Spirit and open to the Gospel. Pray for the salvation of Kim Jong-Il and his entire family. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:4)
  • the Lord to protect, strengthen and encourage Christian Believers as they face intense persecution for their decision to follow Jesus Christ. (The Bible, I Peter 4:13)
  • peace throughout East Asia - especially between North and South Korea. Ask the Lord to station His mighty, warring angels around North Korea and keep the government from acting on threats of war. (The Bible, Psalm 4:8)
  • the Kingdom of God to come to North Korea in power and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, I Corinthians 4:20)

Sources: BBC News, Korea Times
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