
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What do they see when they look at me?

"A new command I give you: Love one another. 
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, 
if you love one another."
John 13:34-35

What sets me apart? What in my life will draw others to Christ? What will cause people that know me to want to know the One I worship? 

Will it be the fact that I homeschool my children? The fact that I don't celebrate Halloween or Santa at Christmas? Will it be my political, pro-family, pro-Constitution? Will it be that we have five children, one adopted from China? 

None of these. The things I mentioned may set me apart from my neighbors, may cause them to think we're a little strange, but none of these things will, most likely, cause them to seek God and ask me about my relationship with Jesus Christ. 

The thing that will cause them to sit up and take notice is the way that I treat kindness, my interest in their lives, my words, my actions. Do I really know them? Do I keep up with their lives, asking them how they are doing and genuinely caring? Do I offer to help out whenever I can? Do I seek their company? 

Another thing that may cause them to notice and ask questions is our family. How do our children behave? How do I speak to my children and other children? Are our kids respectful of adults, kind to other children and kind to each other? Does our family show others that living for Christ makes all the difference in a family? 

I am sad to say that I have not done a very good job in this area. I tend to live much of my life shut up in my home, away from my neighbors. Our conversations are pleasant but short. And it's the same way at church. I have failed in the area of really caring about other people, especially my neighbors. 

I could blame it on busyness, having a bunch of children, etc., but honestly, it's a heart problem. If I'm not loving the people who cross my path every day, how can I love those millions of miles away, through missions? Once again, I am reminded of my weaknesses, my sins and my desperate need for the Holy Spirit to change me. 

These are just some thoughts, for what they are worth. God continues to change me. I pray that in Hungary I will do better than I did in Charleston. May I love others as Christ loves me. 

1 comment:

  1. Tania, I really couldn't disagree with you more. I think you do an awesome job of including people. You ALWAYS have. You care about people and email people and keep up with people. It was evident at your 40th birthday party with all your neighbors around. You make an effort with people's children. You practically RAISED a couple children who were not yours in Korea. Your house always seems to be the center of activity. You pray for people and keep up with what's happening in their lives.

    YES, there is always room for improvement in everyone's life, but I think that you are unnecessarily beating yourself up over this issue because if you aren't an example of a loving neighbor, then I think I've got it all wrong. I know a lot of people who' you've touched through the years would agree with me. I love you, sister!
