
Friday, August 19, 2011

Suffering brings us closer to God

India, Myanmar, Bangladesh Hit with Floods

"While many areas on the globe are experiencing a tremendous drought, a torrential downpour has made its way to Northern India, Myanmar (Burma) and Bangladesh. The unwelcome rains have left thousands of people homeless and in need of help."

As soon as I saw this headline in my email box, I sent up a quick prayer to the Lord for these people. As I prayed, I remarked to God how these people are so very poor already and now a natural disaster. 

As I prayed this, I was struck with the idea that now, through this disaster, God is opening doors for Christians to go in and help them...not only through disaster relief but by sharing the Gospel with them. God knows our hearts. He knows that our hearts are most open to Him in our suffering. It's when things are not going well, when we are not self-sufficient and content, that we began to look to Him.
In addition, as a result of this tragedy, Christians around the world, like you, will pray, today, for India, Myanmar and Bangladesh, when we most likely would not have even thought of them. And "the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16
Does God send these disasters...I don't know. I don't believe He does because God is a God of light and not darkness. He is a God of goodness and not evil. But, like the story of Joseph and so many other instances in the Bible...especially the death of Jesus...does God bring good out of tragedy and suffering? YES! "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."  Isaiah 55:8-11
So, are Christians going into India, Myanmar and Bangladesh to bring them material and spiritual help. Yes! Here is the rest of the email:
Gospel for Asia is providing as much assistance as it can to those suffering from the downpour.
India: National Highways Collapse
Four states in India are battling against floods. In Assam, India, two primary national highways considered "lifelines" collapsed after three to four days of continuous rain. In one of the worst hit areas of Assam, helicopters were sent out to rescue marooned people.
In the West Bengal islands, rain has weakened several river embankments. Reports indicate that about 2,500 houses have been damaged by the flood waters.
Bihar, India, has about 500 houses that have been affected. Out of those 500 houses, a GFA field correspondent reports that 90 of those were homes of Bridge of Hope children, and another 20 belonged to believers of a local GFA-supported congregation. Thankfully, the church building and the Bridge of Hope centers in the flooded areas were not destroyed by the rising water.
In Jammu and Kashmir, India, houses and other structures are collapsing, killing a number of people and injuring others. Landslides are also a problem, washing off stretches of road and obstructing villages.
Myanmar: Villages Unreachable
In the country of Myanmar (Burma), villagers had to desert their houses to escape the rising waters.
A GFA field correspondent reported that local missionaries serving in this country are not able to reach many villages because of collapsed bridges.
"They are going through a difficult situation," he said. "Please pray the Lord will console the hearts of the people who are affected in this flood."
Bangladesh: Children Cry for Food
In Bangladesh, steady rain washed away houses, cows, goats, rice paddy fields and other crops. Out of the thousands affected, 238 families belong to seven GFA-supported churches in the surrounding area.
"The people are suffering without food and work," a GFA field correspondent explained. "Their condition is so pathetic that their children are crying and asking for food, but the parents cannot provide food for them."
Help in Time of Need
GFA Compassion Services teams are making their way into villages, government-run refugee camps and school buildings temporarily housing people in desperate need of help. They are distributing biscuits, rice, milk powder, salt and other food items.
"It is hard for us to imagine the intense suffering these poor and helpless people are facing," said GFA President K.P. Yohannan. "I am so grateful for this opportunity we have to bring relief and hope for these precious people in Jesus' name."
Some areas are still too difficult to reach, but GFA Compassion Services teams will persist until they are able to provide help to all who are suffering.
  • Please pray the relief teams will reach the people in time and help save them from starvation.
  • Pray GFA-supported missionaries are able to share the love of Christ as they minister to those who have lost so much.
  • Pray for the flood victims to experience the Lord's comfort during this difficult time.
  • Pray the rain will subside so restoration and reconstruction can begin.

Monday, August 15, 2011

I Matter! - 40 Days for Life

An unborn baby in the womb

A few days ago, our family celebrated the birthday of our first child. What joy filled out hearts as we remembered the day she was born. Yet, that joy had begun nine months earlier when we found out I was pregnant. As her little body grew within me, we wondered and marveled at the miracle of life. A miracle that despite all the evil in the world, God continues to bless this world with every moment of every day. 

Six weeks after our first child was born, we travelled to China to receive our second precious daughter. What joy filled our hearts as she was placed in our arms. Yet there was a sadness as well...a sadness for her birth parents who would never see her first steps or hear her first words or receive her hugs and kisses. Sadness over a government that makes it so difficult on parents to have more than one child. Sadness at some in a society who believe that boys have more worth than girls.

I feel that same sadness when I reflect on the fact that our country, America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, still does not extend freedom to its youngest members. The baby in the womb is not free to be born. If news of that child's creation brings fear or dread rather than joy, that child may be killed. A smile destroyed before it had a chance to exist...eyes that will never look on the face of a loving mother...arms that will never reach out to hug a father. 

Every child, whether in China or in Charleston, SC, beckons from the womb - give me a chance to live! Marvel and wonder at my creation, see the beauty and potential that lies within my smile, see the depth of wisdom and worth that lies within my eyes. I matter! I am a person with a living soul. God chose to create me and He wants me to live. He is giving me to the world and hoping that loving arms will take me in with joy. 

This is essentially what 40 Days for Life is all about -- 40 days of prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil to end abortion in America. It is the heart cries of mothers, fathers, business people, students, children, thousands upon thousands who are crying out to stop abortion. To stop the killing of babies before they even have a chance to take their first breath. To trust that when God creates a new life, He will give the help parents need to raise that child. 

September 28 - November 6, 2011 will be a time, in Charleston and in more than 291 other locations throughout the US and the world, when people speak-up for the baby who can not speak for itself. 

Beginning with the first 40 Days for Life campaign in 2007, people of faith and conscience have been mobilized in 337 cities across all 50 of the United States, seven Canadian provinces, four Australian states, plus England, Northern Ireland and Denmark.

During these unified efforts, participants witnessed countless blessings from God:
  • Over 400,000 have joined together in an historic display of unity to pray and fast for an end to abortion
  • More than 13,000 church congregations have participated in the 40 Days for Life campaigns
  • Reports document 4,313 lives that have been spared from abortion — and those are just the ones we know about
  • 53 abortion workers have quit their jobs and walked away from the abortion industry
  • 14 abortion facilities completely shut down following local 40 Days for Life campaigns
  • Hundreds of women and men have been spared from the tragic effects of abortion, including a lifetime of regrets
  • More than 1,500 news stories have been featured in newspapers, magazines, radio shows and TV programs from coast to coast ... and overseas
  • Many people with past abortion experiences have stepped forward to begin post-abortion healing and recovery
  • After so many years of legalized abortion, many people of faith are experiencing a renewed sense of HOPE!
If you would like to know more about how you or your church can get involved, please visit and

Each of us knows, in our hearts, that abortion is wrong. 40 Days for Life is the time to do something about this. God will hear our prayers; He will move in response to our fasting; He will bring an end to this evil as His people stand up, in peaceful vigil, to say Enough is Enough! I pray you will get involved. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

God and Allah - are they the same?

Muslims praying to Allah in Indonesia

Let me begin by saying...I do not claim to be an expert on Islam in any way. I write this article because this question has burdened my heart. I have asked God for His wisdom and also talked to some friends, who work with Muslims, for their thoughts.

The question I want to address - Is Allah God?

The answer I have come up with is no and yes.

I'll begin with comparing Jehovah God to Allah in the Koran.

The god of Islam, Allah, as defined by the Koran, is seen as creator of the universe, all powerful and the One who determines the fate of all men...just as the Biblical God. But there are many ways in which they are not the same.

"Allah is presented in the Koran as an autocratic ruler who is aloof and arbitrary (Sura 5:40). Allah is unknowable whereas the God of the Bible is knowable (2 Timothy 1:12). Allah is impersonal, unlike the personal God the Scriptures reveal (1 Peter 5:6-7). Allah is unitarian (Sura 4:48) whereas the God of the Bible is trinitarian (2 Corinthians 13:14). Here is what the Koran says about the God of the Bible (Sura 4:171): “Believe in Allah and say not ‘Trinity.’ Cease! It is better for you! Allah is only One God. Far is it removed from his transcendent majesty that he should have a son.”

Allah is capricious (Sura 2:284), whereas the true God is trustworthy. And Allah is never anywhere presented as a god of love — which is the essence of the nature of the true God (1 John 4:7-16).

Jesus — The Koran denies point blank that Jesus was the Son of God (Sura 112:2-3). It also denies His atoning sacrifice by claiming that he never died (Sura 4:157). A substitute died for Him on the Cross. The Koran teaches that Jesus was translated to Heaven, like Enoch, where He will remain until He returns to kill all pigs, destroy all crosses, and convert the world to Islam. Jesus will marry, reign for 40 years and then die and be buried next to Muhammad in Medina. Jesus is characterized in the Koran as nothing more than “an apostle of Allah” (Sura 4:171). "

Source: The Truth About Islam Dr. David R. read more see God and Allah

There is much more you can read about this topic, so I will sum it up by saying that overall, the character and nature of Allah, as declared by the Koran and his followers, has some similarities but many differences to the character and nature of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I do not believe that they are the same God at all. I do not believe that when Muslims pray to Allah and we pray to God our Father, that we are praying to the same God.

However, I do not want to stop here, which is where I believe so many Christians stop...which is where I stopped until recently.

As I spoke about in earlier blogs - A witness in every culture and in earlier ones,  The incredible power of God and Eternity in their hearts, for Christians to reach out to an entirely foreign people group, it is so important for them to find a culture key...something in that people group's culture that will help them relate to Jesus, that will open the door to the Gospel, that will show them that God has left a witness for Himself within their culture (Rom. 1:20Acts 14:16-17Romans 2:14-15 and Psalms 19:1-4).

I believe, as do many other Christians, that one of the main culture keys for the Muslims is the word Allah. Before I say anymore, I want to share with you the words from a friend of mine, Malath, who is a pastor in Iraq. He has worked with Muslims his whole life and knows much about sharing Christ with them.

"Allah is the name of God in Arabic. In our Arabic Bible, it is written Allah, so we are using the same term to express our faith in God. That is good because we consider that as a common ground between us.

However, the attributes of our God are totally different than Allah in Islam. Allah in Islam has 99 names and it is missing the one we have, which is "God is Love." So we use this name, "God is Love," to reach them (Muslims) and tell them that our God loves us and them as well. At our church in Iraq, we supply some food and children gifts to show them the love of our God.

Also Allah in Islam is very hard to reach or talk to, so we tell them it is not hard or impossible at all in Christianity. We as His people can be in fellowship with God...known to them as Allah. Also, as you know, there is no insurance of salvation in Islam, not like us, so you can use this also. All these things show to Muslims, in indirect ways, that our God is different than Allah in Islam."

So, while Allah and God are not the same God, the term "Allah" as referring to a creator and all-powerful God, can be used as a common bond, a culture key, a redemptive analogy, in order to introduce the God of the Bible to Muslims. This has been done by numerous Christians throughout the fact, as Malath stated, the Arabic translation of the Bible uses Allah as the word for God.

This was reiterated by my missions teacher, Dr. Goodwin, himself a missionary for many years, who said, "My understanding, from talking with Egyptian Christians, is that the word Allah is simply the Arabic word for God.  The word was around a long time before Islam started."

The use of this culture key, by Christians, has not been lost on Muslim leadership. "Millions of Christians in Indonesia (which has the highest number of Muslims of any country but also has a sizable number of Christians) use Allah for God and Tuhan Allah for Lord God. Perhaps because of this, Indonesian Christians have been much more effective in winning Muslims to Christ than any other Christians. Let is also be known that Muslims in some Muslim nations, knowing the access the name Allah gives to the Muslim heart, are passing laws to forbid Christians from using it in reference to the Gospel of Christ," Don Richardson in Redemptive Analogy.  Malaysian Christians still banned from using "Allah" , Malaysian Muslims attack churches over Christian references to Allah

In conclusion, I do not believe that God and Allah are the same, however, when reaching out to Muslims, Christians can find common ground in the name "Allah" to reference a creator, all powerful God. They can use the Muslims' understanding of God as a beginning to an understanding of who Christ is. We as Christians must defend the tenants of our faith, but we must also diligently seek for ways to share Christ with those who have a hard time understanding that Jesus came to die for them.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Jesus in the Qur'an

The Qur'an

Jesus in the Qur’an

What do the Muslim people know about Jesus? Does their holy book, the Qur'an/Koran, teach them anything about Jesus? The answer is does. 

Jesus is usually referred to in the Qur’an by the name Isa. Various titles, roles and activities are attributed to Jesus. Here are a few examples:
  • Jesus is the word of God: Sura: 3:45 - The angels said, "O Mary, GOD gives you good news: a Word from Him whose name is 'The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary.' He will be prominent in this life and in the Hereafter, and one of those closest to Me.
  • Sura 5:46 - Subsequent to them, we sent Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming the previous scripture, the Torah. We gave him the Gospel, containing guidance and light, and confirming the previous scriptures, the Torah, and augmenting its guidance and light, and to enlighten the righteous. 
  • Sura 57:27 - ‘In their footsteps we caused our messengers to follow, and we caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow, and we gave him the Gospel.’

  • Jesus is Messiah: Sura: 3:45 - ‘God giveth thee tidings of a word from himself whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary.

  • Prophet or a Messenger from God: Sura: 3:49 - As a messenger to the Children of Israel: "I come to you with a sign from your Lord—I create for you from clay the shape of a bird, then I blow into it, and it becomes a live bird by GOD's leave. I restore vision to the blind, heal the leprous, and I revive the dead by GOD's leave. I can tell you what you eat, and what you store in your homes. This should be a proof for you, if you are believers.
  • Sura - 57:27 - Subsequent to them, we sent our messengers. We sent Jesus the son of Mary, and we gave him the Injeel (Gospel), and we placed in the hearts of his followers kindness and mercy. 

  • Raised the dead and healed the sick: Sura: 3:49 - I restore vision to the blind, heal the leprous, and I revive the dead by GOD's leave. I can tell you what you eat, and what you store in your homes. This should be a proof for you, if you are believers.
  • Sura 5:110 - GOD will say, "O Jesus, son of Mary, remember My blessings upon you and your mother. I supported you with the Holy Spirit, to enable you to speak to the people from the crib, as well as an adult. I taught you the scripture, wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel. Recall that you created from clay the shape of a bird by My leave, then blew into it, and it became a live bird by My leave. You healed the blind and the leprous by My leave, and revived the dead by My leave

  • Pure, sinless: Sura: 19:19 - He said, "I am the messenger of your Lord, to grant you a pure son."

One of the reasons you will find Jesus mentioned in the Qur'an is because the religion has its roots in Judaism and Christianity. However, even if the Qur’anic ideas listed above are the same or similar to Biblical ideas, Muslims never think of Jesus as being divine or as saving us through his death and resurrection. They do not believe He is the Son of God. They think of him only as a prophet who brought a book called the “Gospel.”
According to Islam, Jesus was actually a good Muslim and he taught an earlier form of Islam to the Jewish people. One can find a Muslim account of the life of Jesus in the so called “Gospel of Barnabas.” This document teaches that Jesus will come again one day, he will marry, he will have children. He will correct the errors which Christians have said about him. He will die, he will be buried in Medina and be judged like all men at the Last Judgement.

Why should a Christian know these things? What does it matter what the Qur'an says about Jesus? 

Because the best way to touch a Muslim's heart and to share with them the truth about Jesus is to begin with what they know and believe. They believe the Qur'an. Thus, they believe some truths about Jesus. Those truths can be a starting point from which to share the full truth, the Gospel, of Jesus Christ. 

The above information came from the following websites:

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Severe Famine in Somalia - Please Pray!

Please Pray!!!

SUMMARY: Lack of rain, failed crops, and ongoing civil conflict have combined to create a 
disastrous situation in Somalia.  The United Nations and other groups are predicting 
widespread malnutrition and even famine conditions.  Tens of thousands have already 
died and 12.5 million people are now at risk of starvation and death.
The entire Horn of Africa region is experiencing the worst drought in 60 years. This has led to crop failures and severe food shortages. In July, the United Nations declared a famine in two regions of Somalia.
"Unless we see a massive increase in response," the UN's Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief said, "the famine will spread to five or six more regions. Tens of thousands of Somalis have already died, and hundreds of thousands face starvation."
Complicating this situation is the fact that Somalia does not have a functioning central government. Al-Shabaab and other terrorist groups control entire sections of the nation. The two areas where famine has already been declared 
are controlled by al-Shabaab - and Western aid is not being allowed in. According to the 
New York Times, the terrorists are also "imprisoning displaced and starving Somalis who 
were trying to escape Shabab territory."
"The famine is as much about failed politics as failed rains," the president of the African 
Development Bank said.
Many Somalis have fled the region, hoping to find relief in the refugee camps of northern Kenya. 
But the camps were built for 90,000 people and now house 400,000. Reaching the camps 
also requires days, even weeks of travel on foot. "The refugees arrive bedraggled, exhausted 
and often bereaved as loved ones die on the long trek... It is hard to imagine the horror of 
mothers forced to leave their infants behind to die as they trek for weeks to reach safety."
Somalia is ranked number 5 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2011 for worst persecutors 
of Christians. WIN partners pray for Somalia on Day 28 of the WINDOW INTERNATIONAL NETWORK Praying Through the Window 9: Global Terrorism and World Religions prayer 


  • the Lord to provide for the people of Somalia. Ask Him to enable Christian humanitarian agencies to gain access to the regions where Somalis are in need. (The Bible, Philippians 4:19)
  • food, clean water, shelter, and medicine to be made available to those who are at risk of malnutrition, hunger, and death. (The Bible, Psalm 65:9Matthew 25:40)
  • al-Shabaab and every other terrorist group in Somalia to be defeated, have their funding cut off, and fail in their efforts to recruit. (The Bible, Psalm 7:9)
  • the Lord to establish a government in this lawless nation. Pray for Him to raise up men and women to lead Somalia in integrity and the fear of the Lord. (The Bible, Proverbs 1:7)
  • the international community to respond quickly to the crisis in Somalia. Ask the Lord to give leaders wisdom and strategies for addressing this problem. (The Bible, Proverbs 3:13,14)
  • the Lord to comfort those who have lost loved ones and who have fled from their homes. Petition Him to provide a safe place of refuge for them. (The Bible, II Corinthians 1:3,4Psalm 18:2)
  • the Christians in Somalia to call out to the Lord for relief. Pray for them to humble themselves, seek God, and ask Him to heal their land. (The Bible, Psalm 40:1II Chronicles 7:14)
  • this potential disaster to become an opportunity for the Gospel to be preached and for Muslims to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:9)
  • a great harvest of souls in Somalia as the Kingdom of God comes in power. (The Bible, I Corinthians 4:20)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dreams and Visions of the Muslims

"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all 
people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young 
men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." 
Acts 2:17

For decades, a phenomenon has been recurring in the Muslim world. Men and women – without any knowledge of the Gospel and without any contact with Christians – have been forever transformed after experiencing dreams and visions of Jesus Christ. Reports of these supernatural occurrences often come from “closed countries” where preaching the Gospel is forbidden and where converting to Christianity can invoke the death sentence. A common denominator appears to be that the dreams come to those who are seeking to know and please God.

Ramadan is the time of year when Muslims are earnestly seeking to know Allah. Unfortunately, Allah is not a god to be known. Unlike the Lord God who makes His way known through His Word and most lovingly through the personhood of Jesus Christ ("He is the image of the invisible God" Colossians 1:15), Allah is a distant god.

"The first of the Ten Commandments is that we are to love the God of the Bible with our whole heart; but never does the Koran say a Muslim is to love Allah.  You cannot love Allah, because he is unknowable.  The God of the Bible can be known and repeatedly calls upon men to know Him; but the Koran says no one can know Allah because he is too great.

In spite of being infinite, without beginning and end, and the Creator of the universe, the biblical God reveals himself so that men can know Him.  Jesus himself said, "This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent" (John 17:3).  No one knows Allah," (taken from

This same idea, that God is love while Allah is not known for his love, was expressed to me in an email from a friend who is a Christian pastor in Iraq: "however the attributes of our God are totally different than Allah in Islam. Allah in Islam has 99 names and it is missing the one we have which is "God is Love".

The Bible says, in Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17
"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will 
prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."

Amazingly, this is what is happening in the Arab world! All you need to do is type in "God appearing to Muslims in visions and dreams" to find a number of internet resources concerning this. One site, Isa al Masih, talks about this at great length. I'd like to close this entry by sharing some of the various dreams with you.

God is Great! Just as He did in the past, God is showing His mercy and guidance to Muslims throughout the world today! Read the following story portions from Muslims worldwide who have reported such dreams and now follow Isa al Masih (Jesus) as their Savior:

"...two angels dressed in white robes stood on top of the mountain. Jesus was standing between the angels. He left the angels and came to where I stood watching. As he approached me, I knelt down and he laid his hands on my head..."

"...['D.'] dreamt he was sitting with his arms tied to a chair. Then he saw a man he recognized as Jesus coming. Jesus touched the ropes and they fell from his arms..."

"...In the dream, Jesus told me to come to Him and read the Bible and He would show me the way, truth and the life..."

"...I was standing in a cross shape with a low wall around it. In my right hand, I had a big stack of white unwritten papers. I was standing at the cross beam, and I was looking to a small group of people who were standing at the top. They all wore long white clothing, but one of them was different. He was standing at the right side, and with his left hand he was leading the people through a door in the wall. Beyond the door was light, and I could not see what was in there. One moment I was standing in the dream, and the next moment I was seeing the cross from above..."

"...I saw some Christians standing in line to get into Heaven. I tried to get into this line also, but a very tall being blocked my path and I started to cry because the side I was on was really horrible but the side they were on was a beautiful place, so beautiful, so blue..."

"...I went back to bed after a short prayer and saw a second dream. This time it was Jesus as I saw him in the Jesus film years ago and I had trashed his video. He was hanging on the cross, the nails were in his hands and feet, yet he was smiling at me and talking to me. Though he was dying he seemed so beautiful. The cross was huge and I seemed like a little boy. My neck was falling back trying to see the whole face of Jesus and suddenly a huge big circle of light came from above the cross and down upon me..."

"...I was swimming. It was very dark, without any stars in the sky. After swimming for a while, I stopped and looked up at the sky. Suddenly, I saw a star shining. I closed my eyes and made a wish. I said, 'Morning Star, teach me the secret of life'...I kept having this dream for years almost every other month and this pattern continued until a few months after my conversion, when I read Rev. 22:16, which says, 'I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star'..."

Please pray that during this time of Ramadan, when Muslims are earnestly seeking a God they can know, that they will not continue their faith in Allah but will find faith in the One, True God who can be known through Jesus Christ (Isa)!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Perfect love casts our fear

"Then I said to you, 'Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them." (Deuteronomy 1:29)
The Bible tells us more than 365 times not to be afraid, do not fear. But do we hear Him? Do we believe God when He says He will be with us and that we should not be afraid?

The Muslim world terrifies many Christians. Images of hooded terrorists chopping heads off, of towers burning, of mobs chanting and lifting high their weapons seems to have immobilized the progress of the Christian Church into the Muslim world. Statistics speak this truth plainly. The greatest concentration of Muslims is in a place labeled the 10/40 Window which includes North Africa, the Middle East and Southern Asia. Many of these countries are predominantly Muslim. The Western Church sends only 1 out of every 40 missionaries to this region according to Jason Mandryk in State of the Gospel  This means that in many Muslim countries there are less than three missionaries per one million people.
Why the imbalance...part of it is that many in the Western Christian Church fear the Muslims.

Yet “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind,” 2 Timothy 1:7. The Church needs to believe in the power of God to overcome the obstacles Satan has placed in the 10/40 Window. The gates of Hades will not prevail against the Lord. We need to believe this and move out in trust, wisdom and power.

We also, as Christians, need to learn about the Muslims. What do they believe? What is their family life like? What makes them happy, sad, concerned? As we learn about them, God can begin to break our hearts for them. They need to hear of the love of Jesus. They need someone who is willing to cast aside fear, which so easily entangles, and follow the call of Christ into the Muslim world. Jesus is waiting, but He needs obedient servants.

There are many stories of how God uses the willing servant to reach the Muslim people whom He loves. One is set in a nomadic Muslim group in Sub-Saharan Africa, where a single woman is effectively training Imams (Islamic teachers) in the gospel. They perceive her to be non-threatening, 'just a woman.' Building upon a foundation of interpersonal relationship and Biblical knowledge, she does not give them answers herself, but directs them to the Word. The Lord has confirmed her teaching giving dreams and visions to these leaders. As they have been converted, they are now training many others. She is accepted as a loving, caring elder sister, who gives high priority to their welfare," (from Women in Mission by Marguerite Kraft and Meg Crossman)

We can begin today by praying for them specifically during Ramadan, learning about them and then asking God how He would have us reach out to the Muslim world, be it our neighbor, a university student in our city or to an unreached people group half way around the world. Ask God to burden your heart for the Muslim people and to pray for them daily. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Ramandan Prayer

The Muslim month of fasting known as Ramadan began on August 1 and will last for 30 days.  During this time, Muslims fast during daylight hours in order to purify themselves, focus on God, and gain enlightenment.

From August 1 until August 30, most Muslims will be celebrating Ramadan - the month of fasting. It is one of the five pillars of the Islamic faith and coincides with the month in which they believe Mohammad received the Qur'an.

During Ramadan, Muslims carry out a "complete fast" during daylight hours. This means no food or water. The fast is broken each night with the Iftar (Arabic for "breakfast") dinner. These are usually community events involving extended families and neighbors. Many mosques also host nightly Iftar dinners.

The purpose of fasting during Ramadan is to purify yourself of bad habits and thoughts. It is also a time to focus on God. Expectations rise and many Muslims hope to see supernatural visions or have divine dreams.


- the Lord to reveal Himself to Muslims all over the world during Ramadan. (The Bible, Deuteronomy 4:29)

- their minds to be opened to the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4)

- their hearts to become good soil for the seed of the Word. (The Bible, Matthew 13:23)

- the Holy Spirit to bring conviction of sin and show them they cannot do enough "good works" to earn their way to heaven. Pray for them to accept the truth that salvation is found only in Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of the Living God. (The Bible, II Corinthians 7:10; Matthew 16:16)

- the Lord to give Muslims dreams and visions - especially on the night of power. (The Bible, Acts 2:19)

- the salvation of members of Islamic terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, Hamas, the Taliban, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Lashkar-e-Taiba. Pray they will have a supernatural encounter with Christ. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:4)

- more Muslims to come to Christ during this Ramadan than in all of history combined. (The Bible, Romans 10:9,10)

- a tremendous harvest of souls as Muslims realize who Jesus Christ is and put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, John 4:35)