
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Severe Famine in Somalia - Please Pray!

Please Pray!!!

SUMMARY: Lack of rain, failed crops, and ongoing civil conflict have combined to create a 
disastrous situation in Somalia.  The United Nations and other groups are predicting 
widespread malnutrition and even famine conditions.  Tens of thousands have already 
died and 12.5 million people are now at risk of starvation and death.
The entire Horn of Africa region is experiencing the worst drought in 60 years. This has led to crop failures and severe food shortages. In July, the United Nations declared a famine in two regions of Somalia.
"Unless we see a massive increase in response," the UN's Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief said, "the famine will spread to five or six more regions. Tens of thousands of Somalis have already died, and hundreds of thousands face starvation."
Complicating this situation is the fact that Somalia does not have a functioning central government. Al-Shabaab and other terrorist groups control entire sections of the nation. The two areas where famine has already been declared 
are controlled by al-Shabaab - and Western aid is not being allowed in. According to the 
New York Times, the terrorists are also "imprisoning displaced and starving Somalis who 
were trying to escape Shabab territory."
"The famine is as much about failed politics as failed rains," the president of the African 
Development Bank said.
Many Somalis have fled the region, hoping to find relief in the refugee camps of northern Kenya. 
But the camps were built for 90,000 people and now house 400,000. Reaching the camps 
also requires days, even weeks of travel on foot. "The refugees arrive bedraggled, exhausted 
and often bereaved as loved ones die on the long trek... It is hard to imagine the horror of 
mothers forced to leave their infants behind to die as they trek for weeks to reach safety."
Somalia is ranked number 5 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2011 for worst persecutors 
of Christians. WIN partners pray for Somalia on Day 28 of the WINDOW INTERNATIONAL NETWORK Praying Through the Window 9: Global Terrorism and World Religions prayer 


  • the Lord to provide for the people of Somalia. Ask Him to enable Christian humanitarian agencies to gain access to the regions where Somalis are in need. (The Bible, Philippians 4:19)
  • food, clean water, shelter, and medicine to be made available to those who are at risk of malnutrition, hunger, and death. (The Bible, Psalm 65:9Matthew 25:40)
  • al-Shabaab and every other terrorist group in Somalia to be defeated, have their funding cut off, and fail in their efforts to recruit. (The Bible, Psalm 7:9)
  • the Lord to establish a government in this lawless nation. Pray for Him to raise up men and women to lead Somalia in integrity and the fear of the Lord. (The Bible, Proverbs 1:7)
  • the international community to respond quickly to the crisis in Somalia. Ask the Lord to give leaders wisdom and strategies for addressing this problem. (The Bible, Proverbs 3:13,14)
  • the Lord to comfort those who have lost loved ones and who have fled from their homes. Petition Him to provide a safe place of refuge for them. (The Bible, II Corinthians 1:3,4Psalm 18:2)
  • the Christians in Somalia to call out to the Lord for relief. Pray for them to humble themselves, seek God, and ask Him to heal their land. (The Bible, Psalm 40:1II Chronicles 7:14)
  • this potential disaster to become an opportunity for the Gospel to be preached and for Muslims to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:9)
  • a great harvest of souls in Somalia as the Kingdom of God comes in power. (The Bible, I Corinthians 4:20)

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