Thursday, December 15, 2016
Advent Devotion (Day 19) - Glory and Peace
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men.” – Luke 2:14
As I read these words, words that angels from Heaven spoke to human beings on earth, I am struck with this thought...Who am I? Who am I to attempt to explain what angels meant? Who am I to add my own commentary to the words of God? I am a mere human being, sinful by nature, equipped with an average mind, trying to comprehend the things of God. So it is with much prayer and humility that I try.
Glory to God in the highest...amazing, stupendous wonder...thankful, honor-filled praise...from the lips of angels who had seen God and knew Him in a way no one on earth ever had. And their words of praise were not just for the shepherds, not just for this earth but to the highest heaven, throughout the universe which He made. All creation, everywhere, was to hear of this glory that was given to God, the Creator.
And on earth, peace, good will to men...peace. It's what the world longs for. It's what each of us, each day, look to find at home, at our jobs, in our thoughts, our heart. Peace with our family members, peace with our friends, peace with our colleagues and ultimately, peace within ourselves.
But that total peace could not be found. It had been destroyed with the fatal choice Adam and Eve made in the Garden. To desire to know evil, to want to be gods unto themselves, to break the intimate relationship they had with their Creator. And ever since then, every person born was born into a broken relationship with the Lord. There was no ultimate peace in their hearts because there was no ultimate peace with the One who made them.
God made each of us to be in a loving, peaceful relationship with Him. But that had been destroyed. Only God Himself could restore that relationship, bring reconciliation, bring ultimate peace. And this is what Jesus did. By His birth, life, death and resurrection He brought peace to each of us if we will accept it.
This is what the angels spoke of...peace on earth, peace in each heart that put Jesus on the throne. And this peace was God's "good will" for each man. It is God's will, His desire, that we live at peace with Him. Just as each of us want peace with those we love, God wants peace with each of us because He loves us.
The words of the angels sum up Jesus' mission on bring glory to God and peace to us.
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