
Monday, December 19, 2016

Advent Devotion (Day 23) - King, Priest and Savior

Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:11

After the wise men had bowed down before Jesus and worshipped Him, they gave to God the best that they had. They may have wondered what good are gold, frankincense and myrrh to a baby, but they gave it anyway. They gave God what they had and trusted that God would use it for good. And He did.

Scholars believe it was those gifts that enabled the young family to flee to Egypt, shortly after the wise men's visit, to escape the murderous wrath of Herod. Jesus and his parents lived there for a period of time before returning to Nazareth, thus fulfilling yet another prophecy which said, "out of Egypt I have called My Son", Hosea 11:1.

Those gifts take on further meaning as they were given to honor the roles that Jesus would fulfill during His time on earth and in Heaven:

Gold for the King of Kings
Frankincense (which was used as part of the mixture of incense burnt before God at the Temple) for the High Priest that He is as He intercedes before the throne of God on our behalf
Myrrh (which was used as an embalming oil) to remind us of the powerful price He would pay for our sins on the cross as our Savior

May we be like those wise men. May we seek Jesus with all our hearts, look for God in the situations that do not meet our expectations and give Him all that we are, all that we have. That is how we will see God.

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