Saturday, December 3, 2016
Advent Devotion (Day 7) - Difficult Faith
“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” – Luke 1:45
Difficult is often asked of a follower of the Lord. God makes a promise and asks us to believe it but some of these promises are hard to believe:
Noah - build a boat for 100 years because I'm going to send a flood across the whole earth
Abraham - your wife Sarah is well past child-bearing age and has never had children but look to the skies...I'm going to give you descendents more numerous than the stars
Joseph - I know you are a slave, in prison, forgotten by everyone, but I've not forgotten you
Moses - You are 80 years old and an outcast from Egypt but I am going to send you to the most powerful leader on earth and make it possible for you to lead the Jews out of slavery
David - Pick up that rock and sling because you will prevail over Goliath
Daniel- walk into the lion's den because I will be with you
All these examples and so many more throughout the Bible and history show God making a promise which is hard to believe, hard to hold onto because it's fulfillment doesn't make sense. The odds seem so stacked up against the promise ever being fulfilled. But the person steps out in faith and believes that God is bigger than their mind, bigger than the circumstances. This is difficult faith.
Maybe the most difficult promise to believe is Mary's.
Mary - you are carrying God in your me and believe this truth
And she did! She believed and she is called blessed. Happy, filled with joy, filled with the assurance that God is in control and will fulfill His promise no matter the circumstances. And He did!
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