
Saturday, December 30, 2017

How did God Break my Heart?

Welcome to my blog! Where to begin...I have known Jesus all my life, thanks to a wonderful, Godly family. When I was in high school, my big dream was to become an astronaut...which led me to joining the Air Force. I got married to a wonderful man, Jeff, and we travelled the world with the Air Force. We both loved the Lord and desired to hear His call on our lives. And He did call...loud and clear, Sept. 20, adopt a little girl from China. I believe that is when my heart really began to break for the lost...those who don't know Christ.

Through our adoption of Grace, I began to learn about the persecuted church in China. I began to really think and pray about people outside America (yes, I had cared about them before and prayed about international incidents, but I didn't focus outside of America very regularly). I discovered the ministry of Voice of the Martyrs and through them began to have my heart broken for what breaks the Lord's heart...His people, His Church and those who do not yet know Him and worship Him. I began to be an advocate for the persecuted church, to my family and friends.
In 2006, God moved our family to Seoul, South Korea. Living within three hours of the most repressive country on earth, North Korea, my heart was further broken for the billions who are held captive by the enemy. We attended an incredible Korean-English church called Jubilee They are very mission-minded, something I had not been aware of or focused on at other churches I had attended. They were a new church, struggling to make ends meet in one of the most expensive cities in the world, yet they were fully committed to mission outreach (China, North Korea, Cambodia...). I highly recommend listening to Pastor David's sermons online...they are so very challenging! Our time in Seoul further grew our family's love for the people of Asia. Now, my heart and mind were focusing more and more on the unreached, missions, the persecuted church and the lost in Asia. We wanted to stay in Korea but God and the Air Force called us back to the U.S.
Meanwhile, after adopting Grace, God blessed us with five more children born to us...Rachel (actually born 6 weeks prior to our trip to China to get Grace), Rebecca, Nathan, Sarah and Josiah. Plus, we got to spend 4.5 years in the little town of Papa, Hungary amongst people from 12 different nations...the Lord was continuing to put my eyes and heart on the rest of the world.

Jeff and I had always known we would homeschool our children and so I began this exciting adventure in 2005. I began this blog because the Lord placed on my heart the desire to create a website where people could go to learn about the current mission field and hopefully experience an increase in their love and concern for the lost, discover how to pray for different people groups, get equipped to educate their children about how to become mission-minded and find different ways to get involved in missions.

To this end, I welcome any input from readers. I so want to pack up our family and move straight to Asia to live amongst the unreached but for now, that is not where God has called us. So I am doing 
my best to obey God's call on my life by sharing all the things He is teaching me.

 "Look at the nations and watch-- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Habakkuk 1:5

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14

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