
Monday, February 17, 2020

Coronavirus and How to Pray for Victims

Here are the latest figures for the Coronavirus outbreak. Be warned: these figures change daily, and specifically hourly. As of 16 February there are worldwide 71,000 cases. There are 1,770 deaths. The novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting 29 countries and territories around the world. China has 63,866 cases, followed by 259 cases in Japan and 56 In Hong Kong. Clearly Asia, where the virus originated, is taking the brunt of the toll. Still 26 other countries have reported deaths and people infected as well.
One of the latest concerns is for health care workers who are daily exposed to this virus. In China, six health workers have died and 1,716 have been infected since the outbreak began. Local authorities are struggling to provide enough protective equipment, such as respiratory masks, goggles, and protective suits in hospitals. Some medical workers have been quarantined. On 7 February the plight facing medical workers was highlighted with the death of Doctor Li Wenliang, the doctor at Wuhan Central Hospital who tried to warn others about the virus on 30 December. At that time, the Chinese government attempted to hush up the story, fearing a panic. Eventually, they realized that the country needed to be notified of the severity of the situation and take immediate precautions. The result has been a virtual shutdown of much of the country’s industry and transportation. Many streets remain eerily empty of their usual noisy bustle.
The economic impact in Asia of the virus has been devastating: global airline revenue has fallen, China’s car sales are expected to fall more than 10 percent in the first half of the year, and Singapore’s economy is expected to fall into a recession. Cruise ships in the region have been stopped. The Diamond Princess is in quarantine in Yokohama, Japan with 218 crew and passengers testing positive for the virus. The spread of the virus worldwide in such a short time certainly proves that what happens globally affects all of us – be it for good or for evil. (Source - BBC)

Let us pray fervently for:
Health care workers who continue to work, treat their patients, and try to alleviate their suffering at great risks to their own lives. We thank God for their loyalty and devotion to their calling. We pray for their protection. (The Bible, James 5:14-15).
Those in authority in each affected country to have wisdom and compassion in understanding the gravity of the virus, and knowledge on how to intervene in the most appropriate ways (The Bible, 1 Timothy 2:1-4).
Those infected with the Coronavirus to obtain the appropriate care and recover fully (The Bible James 5:16).
The Gospel message that Jesus died to take away the sins of the world to be known – rapidly, multiplying quickly, and touching individuals all over the world, bringing many into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world (The Bible, Acts 17:6).

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