
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Christmas Devotion Day 15 - Mary Visits Elizabeth

Read Luke 1:39-45

Luke 1:46-47 - And Mary said, My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

Mary went to visit Elizabeth and Zechariah. Elizabeth and Mary were related, so Mary most likely knew of the miracle of Elizabeth’s pregnancy in her old age, and she wanted to share her own miracle with someone she knew would understand. When Mary arrived at Elizabeth’s home, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb "leaped" as he recognized the Child in Mary’s womb.

There are many people in our world today who believe babies in the womb are not human and cannot feel anything. From our verses today, as well as others in the Bible, we see that even these tiny babies can respond to God. 

Mary’s song in answer to Elizabeth’s blessing is also proof the women of this time memorized Scripture just as the young men did. Much of her song comes from the song Hannah sang when she praised God for giving her a miracle son, Samuel – you can read it in 1 Samuel 2:1-10.

As we learned in our last lesson, Mary knew she would face some very difficult problems because she was pregnant before her marriage. The Law even said Joseph, as the husband, had the right to have her executed. But she chose to obey God and let Him work out the problems.

*When God asks you to do something for Him, and then problems come up, how do you react?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, what an incredible gift You are! Help me to recognize and fight for even the tiniest baby that You have created. Help me also to trust in You and walk in obedience, even when the road is unclear or filled with obstacles. I love you Jesus! In Your name I pray, Amen. 

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