
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Spiritual Warfare

Many of you may be struggling to understand the events of the last few months surrounding the election and the transition in our nation's leadership that occurred. You may be upset, or you may be relieved today, but most people I know are unsettled. We all want to know what's in store for us as a nation. And, we all want to know when life can return to some sense of pre-Covid normalcy.

Everyone has an opinion on what the next 4 years hold politically. Know one knows with certainty how events will unfold, but you would have to be culturally tone deaf to not see that challenging times are here for those who both pursue a deeper relationship with God through His son Jesus, and take seriously the call to be salt and light in the public square.
Students of spiritual warfare understand that there are always important parallels between what is seen in the natural realm and what is occurring in the spiritual realm. And, just as you see strategic shifts occurring in the natural realm - the spiritual atmosphere is changing also.
Believers must understand the context in which we live. These shifts in the spiritual atmosphere will have ramifications in the natural realm. As our culture has forsaken God's designs for our lives and pushed Him to the periphery, we will see the impact of these decisions. Religious freedom in this nation will be challenged, and with it, your right to dissent. Societal and peer pressure will demand more universal acceptance of politically correct (but un-Biblical) teachings on some of our most fundamental beliefs.
And these challenges you encounter in the natural realm will result in an even greater increase in the intensity of spiritual warfare. Scripture (Ephesians 6) teaches that all believers are called to engage in spiritual warfare. It is not optional. When we encounter spiritual warfare, our role as believers is to stand firm and fight.
Armies advance by using tanks, ships, bombs, and bullets.
Carnal people fight by using hateful words, rumors, lies, deceit, slander, and physical acts of violence. But believers are told to stand firm and fight using God's weaponry.
Truth, prayer, the word of God - those are God's weapons.
This is a season when all believers are being called to stand firm in their faith and use these weapons. God is calling you to grow in your faith - to mature in your understanding of the Father's love, His will, His intentions, and in your understanding of His strategies in the earth to accomplish His priorities.
He is calling you to participate with Him in His strategies and in His activities. This will require pressing into Him. It will require more alone time with Him - more prayer, more feeding on His word. Navigating successfully in this season will require greater intimacy with the Father.
Terry Allen

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