
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Christmas Devotion Day 8 - Messiah as a Servant


Day 8: Messiah is coming as a servant

Read Isaiah 42:1-7

Isaiah 42:6-7 - I am the LORD; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness. 

There are many prophecies about the Messiah being a ruler and a victor. We often look only for the things that help us be successful and happy. But God prophesied the Messiah was coming as a Servant, someone who would do a very special job which could be done by no one else but God Himself.

In other verses of our reading passage, there are descriptions of things Messiah would do or be which would be painful and discouraging. God’s promise, however, was that He would not allow anything to happen to the Messiah that was not completely according to His perfect plan. All He had designed for this time of Messiah being a Servant would turn out for people’s good. When He was tired, He would not complain. When He was hurting, He would not cry out. When He was exhausted, He would not become faint or discouraged.

*How has Jesus helped you complete a task you found difficult or humiliating?

Prayer: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being a servant and for helping me to serve others. Each day, show me who I can serve and ways that I can serve. Thank you for helping me do this Holy Spirit. In Your name, Jesus, I pray, Amen. 

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