
Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Christmas Devotion (Dec 6) - Daniel in Babylon



Read Daniel 2 

Numbers 24:17 - I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near: a star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel; it shall crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Sheth. 

When the Jews were conquered by Babylon, about five hundred years before Jesus was born, they were removed from their homes and moved to this unfamiliar land (Assyria and later Babylon) they had never seen. They were removed from the temple which had become the center of their identity.

Of the royal family, one of the young men who was taken was Daniel. While many of the other people just complained about their captivity, Daniel determined not to forsake all he had been taught about God. Against threat of punishment and even death, he stayed true to the Lord. God blessed him by giving him the wisdom to interpret the king’s nightmare-dreams, and the king honored Daniel by giving him an amazing job – Daniel became the leader of all the wise men of this country. And because Babylon was the greatest country in the world at this time, the wise men of other countries also came to Babylon to learn – from Daniel.

Because Daniel had studied the Scriptures, he knew the prophecy God had given in our verse above. To these wise men who studied the stars to understand what was written there, Daniel would have given these words so they could be looking for the King who would be coming.

Prayer: O Lord, in these very uncertain and scary times, while many of the other people just complain, may we, like Daniel, determine not to forsake all we have been taught by You. Against threat of punishment and even death, help us to stay true to You, O Lord. Please bless us by giving us wisdom to interpret the times. Thank you for Jesus! In His name we pray, Amen. 

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