
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Rapture of the Church (part 1)


The rapture of the Church – it being taken out of this world to be with Jesus – is something easily misunderstood when we misunderstand some of the central issues of the Bible. Just as parents treat their children differently as they grow through different stages of childhood into adulthood, so God has treated humanity differently as He has given us information about Himself. The more information He has given us, the greater is our responsibility to Him for what He has revealed. In 2 Timothy 2:15 we read that we are to study and handle the Bible rightly so we can follow Him faithfully.

There are four different kinds of people in earth’s history from God’s point of view:

* All those who do not believe in God/Jesus

* Three groups in history of those who believe in God/Jesus:

- Israel

- Church

- Believing Gentiles

It is these three groups of believers we need to understand in order to understand God’s prophecy program. In the Old Testament time, the Church did not exist. God’s work was with Israel, even though there are notable believers who were not of the nation of Israel. Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18-20), Job and his friends (book of Job), and the Queen of Sheba (1 Kings 10:1-13) are just a few of these. But God’s prophecies center on Israel because it was through Israel He would bring salvation. This lack of prophecy about these Gentile believers does not change the fact of their believing in God nor does it change His love and care for them.

In the New Testament, all believers become part of the Church. Galatians 3:28 says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Prophecy in the New Testament is either about the Church or about Israel, and this is where we need to be discerning to know how to understand it correctly. For example, Matthew 24 is Jesus’ answer to His disciples’ questions about the Kingdom which had been prophesied in the Old Testament – so Jesus’ answer is about this coming Kingdom in which Israel is the main subject. The event around which this focuses then, is His second coming when this Kingdom on earth will be established.

The promises contained in John chapters 13-16, however, are promises which contain prophesies for the Church. In this last evening before He knew He would die, He was preparing His disciples for this new group in which they would become the leaders. Much of His ministry to them after His resurrection was also concerning the Church – for example, His charge to Peter to feed His sheep (John 21:15-19). His disciples did not understand then, but later did, that building His Kingdom was not all about Israel; it was about Gentiles as well. We will continue this in our next lesson.

Prayer: Father, teach us by Your Spirit how to rightly handle Your word of Truth. Thank you for giving us some indication of what will happen in the future so we can always be watching and ready for Your return. We love you Jesus! In Your name we pray, Amen 

From Global Media Outreach 

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