
Friday, March 1, 2024

Easter Devotion (Day 14) - God, Our Abba, Our Daddy


Our Father who is in Heaven,
hallowed be Your name.
Matthew 6:9

Sometimes kings would instruct their subjects to refer to them as Father, stressing a relationship of authority. Jesus, however, begins the Lord's Prayer with a title Abba, an Aramaic word that is an intimate, family name for father, very similar to our word Daddy. Abba captures God's deep love and concern for us, just as a devoted father would have for his beloved children. Yet this Dad is the Creator and Designer of the cosmos! What a remarkable thought! We, who are insignificant, mortal creatures compared to the Almighty I Am, can dare to call out to Him in such an intimate way.

The second half of this verse is a cry of praise. In ancient cultures, a name referred to one's very essence or being. So this phrase is saying that every bit of God is profoundly holy. It is also a request that all of creation recognize and praise our Lord God.

So this first line in the Lord's Prayer recognizes the awesome and all-encompassing power and glory of God, yet allows us to approach Him on a profoundly personal level. It tells us that we can dare to trust that the Designer of the cosmos will listen to our prayers in tender love for us, His children.

Prayer: Glorious, holy Creator of the cosmos, how wonderful it is that I can call you my Father! Your love for me and devotion to me is more than I can imagine. You are near to me every moment of the day. I love you Abba! Thank you for loving me! In Jesus' name, Amen.

* Devotions taken from The Sanctuary for Lent 2016 by Sue Mink

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