What God is Saying

Sing to the LORD; praise his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does. — Psalm 96:2-3

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Prophecies - Secrets and Mysteries


God tells us an important truth about Himself in Isaiah 46:9-10 which we need to understand as we begin: “…I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all My purpose.’”

All of creation and time belongs to God. He did not give it to us to be owners; He only asked us to be caretakers of His creation (Genesis 1:28-31 and 1 Corinthians 10:26).

But the interesting thing in the Isaiah verses is that God says He is telling us things, from the very beginning, which will be true at the end. This is called prophecy. Please note, He does not say He tells us everything. There are some things which are secret because we would not be able to understand or live with certain information. For example, if you knew today that you would die tomorrow in a car accident, you would be sad and angry. You would probably make certain to NOT be anywhere near a car tomorrow because you do not want to die. You would want desperately to change God’s plan. Yet, it might be that in your death many people would come to know Jesus. And if you were to live instead, all these people would not accept Him as their Lord and Savior and therefore would go to hell for eternity.

Even Jesus, when He was here on earth, said there were some things from God the Father He also did not know (see Mark 13:32-37).

There are also mysteries named in the Bible which were not revealed for a while, but are revealed at a later time. One of the greatest of these mysteries is the Church. All through the Old Testament God worked with the people of Israel. Yet, He left clues to this mystery in many places, as early as telling Abraham that all the people of the earth would be blessed through him (Genesis 12:3 and Galatians 3:8). We can read a greater detail of this mystery being revealed in Ephesians 3:1-13.

Prayer: Our Lord God, we come to You humbly today to ask Your revelation to our hearts of the things You want us to know. You have said in 1 John 3:3 You want this information to purify us, a purity of desire and ambition and purpose for our lives here on earth. It is also a purity of focus on You and all the things You desire to complete through us before the time is gone. We freely give ourselves to You for Your will to be done through us each moment of this day. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. 

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